

Photo used courtesy of Tamara Jean Photography (www.tamarajeanphotography.com)

Spark of Hope exists to provide hope in a world that at times, for some, seems devoid of it. Spark of Hope seeks to bring together both people and horses and explore the different ways that we, humans, can learn from the horse.

For thousands of years, an incredible partnership has existed between horse and human. It is a  partnership that in itself is remarkable given the differences that exist between the human – the supreme predator, and the horse – the supreme prey animal.  It is a relationship that has over the years been abused by some but treasured by others.

Horses live in a remarkable world – a world where communication is vital to survival. And it is their ability to communicate in such subtle ways, and our ability to learn their “language”, which enables the horse to teach us so much. Through our interactions with the horse we can overcome our own fears, develop healthy attitudes and begin to see the world around us in a different light.

We at Spark of Hope invite you to read a little more about us, what we do, and how you might be able to be a part of all that we do.

Spark of Hope – all it takes is a single spark to change a life…

ACNC Registered Charity Tick

3 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Wow! So loved reading all the articles. Especially comparing your ‘fur babies’ to our humanness. Feels like I already know them – and yes, inspirational and full of hope are words that come to mind. Bless you both!

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